The painting is a response to another painting of Dali's called Persistence of Memory (1931). Both paintings have similar main features but the second painting shows the original in a state of disintegration, as stated in the title. Painted over 20 years apart, the second painting clearly reflects a different society and a different mind-frame of Dali. The original painting is seen as representing time as fluid rather than rigid through the melting watches, a characteristic symbol of Dali's. In the new painting, the watches are featured again but the significance of the painting has changed drastically. The original landscape has become flooded and although it seems relatively calm above the surface, there is a lot of activity going on below.

The activity going on below the surface is a reflection of some of the new ideas Dali learned throughout the surrealism movement as well as changes to society as a result of global war. The bricks along the bottom are said to represent atoms, which is something new that was learned by Dali and all of society through the study and quantum mechanics. The other elements, like the olive tree breaking apart and the cylindrical shapes are related and more bleak. The olive tree is a symbol of peace, which is evidently being broken in relation to the shapes which represent atomic missiles. At the time of this painting, the Cold War would have been going on, which is known for the fear of atomic bombs possibly causing the end of the world or the destruction of society. The painting also features the melting clocks, as mentioned above. Overall, this painting is understood as showing Dali's loss of interest in surrealism because it is the breaking down of his most famous work, Persistence of Memory, created at the height of the movement. Despite Dali's breaking away from surrealism with this painting, he will forever be associated with it due to his striking and iconic paintings.